



About Taiwan Geographic Information Society (TGIS)
1. Origin:
In recent years, Geographic information system developments prospered technologically. Government agencies, scholastic units and private entrepreneurs that have applied geographic data in their areas have come up with revolutionary changes. Large quantity of geographic data originally scattered around various levels of governmental agencies such as different classifications of maps, aviation photographs, data reports, inventory, statistical data etc are integrated into dispersed geographic data pool through GIS technology and the internet. The application of systemic developments increases decisiveness, management quality and efficiency of various governmental agencies. Private entrepreneurs further apply such governmental geographic data when choosing the optimum operation locations in order to lower company cost and increase profits.
Since ROC year 78 (1989) after the state territory information system feasibility
studies were carried out by the Financial Department Of Administrative Yuan經建會,
the concept of GIS was rapidly promoted and spread to various governmental
agencies. In recent years, under the promotion of Administrative Yuan, State territory
information system and environments for application were systematically established.
GIS technology and application is an inter-administrative arena where the population
using GIS locally is incessantly increasing in number and is widespread in
government agencies, scholastic units and personal entrepreneurs. In order to
effectively exchange experiences and ideas of GIS users and research developers, a
common consensus of having the need to establish GIS society in Taiwan was reached
at the state territory information system conference in ROC year 80 (1991). After
detailed planning of enthusiasts, TGIS was officially established November 26, 1994
and is officially named “Taiwan Geographic Information Society, TGIS”. (Taiwan
Geographic Information Society,TGIS)。
2. Objectives and missions:
TGIS is a lawful organization that is based on scholastic and common good. Profit making is not an objective of TGIS. TGIS aims to improve on geographic information related studies and to increase the standards of geographic information in Taiwan. The following are the basic missions of TGIS:
(1)Conduct research studies on geographic information technology and scholastic
research works in order to increase the standards of geographic information research
(2)Geographic information and scholastic conferences and study groups are
held. Also participate in international exchanges of scholastic activities
(3)Publish geographic information research related periodicals and books.
(4)Work on geographic information system developments and establishments of geographic information data pool
(5)Accept commissions of geographic information related cases and provide
consultancy services
3. Organization system:
TGIS member council serves as the highest institution of power. Council and board of
Directors execute and handle various matters and issues of TGIS. Other than the board of directors, the committee and designated topic subcommittees are also established. Members of TGIS are expected to join in 1or more of the designated topic subcommittees. At present, there are 4 subcommittees of designated topics including “natural environment and resources”, “metropolitan and district planning” and “technical support services” and “state territory information system”
In the future, additional designated topic subcommittees may be considered depending on needs of members. A chairperson is elected in each respective subcommittee and chairpersons are expected to invite fellow members to promote works.
4. Future prospects:
The rapid developments of geographic information system technology and great project promotions of local state territory information system and information freeways, enormous impacts and are felt in different governmental agencies, scholastic institutions and private entrepreneurs. However during the information transformation process from traditional into technological, such contraction pains and chaos are inevitable. New technologies are waiting to be promoted and new systems to be established. The TGIS will play an important role in integration and bonding of governmental agencies, scholastic units and geographic information industrial sector. Communication channels will be established, mutual partnership will be made possible so as to overcome the hardship in transformation and actively establish a new system.
The application of geographic information must be carried out in the “universal”‘ and
“in-depth” manner. In order to make GIS universal, promotion and education of GIS
will determine its success. To make it “in-depth”, it is dependant on integration of GIS
mode pool established by scholastic researchers and the GIS data pool. Developments
should be directed toward decision making and support system developments such as
ways to share geographic data, exchange standard establishment of information data,
GIS mechanic certification system etc, which aid in the promotion of TGIS.
Overlooking the future, we see the GIS environment in Taiwan growing into maturity
with the establishment of TGIS and active participation of its fellow members.
Without a doubt, it directly and greatly aids Taiwan in stepping into the information
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